Keyword: adverse selection
Crystal Ball (6/22/2006)
Better information on risky events may lead to market failure due to adverse selection.
Keywords: adverse selection, genetic screening, information, insurance, parking, risk
Health Risk is a Matter of Life and Death (6/22/2006)
Health insurance premiums tend to be high for individual policies because of adverse selection and moral hazard.
Keywords: adverse selection, auto insurance, coverage cap, deductible, defined benefit, defined contribution, health insurance, health savings account, moral hazard, policies, premiums, third-party payment
Insurance at Risk (11/10/2000)
Genetic test results on fatal diseases could lead to adverse selection of membership in life and health insurance if unfavorable results are concealed from insurers.
Keywords: adverse selection, asymmetric information, exclusion principle, genetic tests, health insurance, Huntington's disease, life insurance, premium, risk, risk pooling, uncertainty
The Market Role of Information (7/7/2006)
Information or the lack of it may make or break a market.
Keywords: adverse selection, Asymmetric information, auction, efficiency, free trials, insurance, market signaling, quality, risk, warranty